Catalunya invests in a network of 7 HF Radar Stations

The DGPMPS (Direcció General de Política Marítima i Pesca Sostenible) of Departament d’Acció Climàtica, Alimentació i Agenda Rural de la Generalitat de Catalunya plans to invest 5.5 M€ in a 7-station HF Radar network (two of these already installed in Cap de Creus and Begur). This network is part of a 20 M€ investment program in Oceanography, which will support the development of several sectors such as fisheries and recreational maritime activities. It will also aid the optimization of response to emergencies such as shipwrecks, oil spills, and extreme climatic events.p>

ICATMAR (Institut Català del Mar) will provide all the operational oceanography services based on the HF radar data (and other inputs), apart from the service that currently provides as fisheries consultant.

The news can be viewed in the websites of the newspapers El País (Link) and La Vanguardia (Link).

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